Panasonic NCR18650B Protected 3400mAh (Green)
Official specifications:
- Original Panasonic (Industrial) products, Made in Japan
- Capacity: 3400mAh (Min 3250mAh)
- Charging volt: 4.2v
- Max charge current 0.7C 2A
- Recommend discharge current 1C 2.9A
- Discharge Termination Voltage: 2.5V
- Protection kicks in : 2.75v and 4.2v
- Over-Charging / Draining at 4.2v / 2.75v
- Protection Circuit installed
- Weight : 47g
- Size 18.50mm x 70.5mm (Larger than non-protected)
- The voltage of full charge & empty condition is 4.2v & 2.75v respectively
The above specifications is from the dealers website and there is a few errors in it!
This battery is not made by Panasonic. The cell inside the battery is from Panasonic, the protection cirucit and the assembly work is done by somebody else.
Notice the length of the battery, it is the longest 18650 I have seen to date.
The capacity looks very good as expected for a Panasonic 3400 mAh battery.
The protection at 6.5A makes it very difficult to overload these batteries, but is high enough for any normal use.
This is a very good battery, except for the length. Only buy it if you know you equipment can use a very long battery!
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries